At Whitestone, we are for the love! We believe that loved people, love people.

How well we love people can come down to how well we understand God’s love for us. When we understand the depth of love it took for Jesus to die for us, how much grace it takes to be capable of forgiving us time and time again, and the reality of being loved without condition we give room for God to work through us to show that love to others.

When we realize how He loves us, it opens up a world of compassion for others that is unreachable on our own. Through Him we are able to love beyond conditions, giving room for grace and growth. Through Him we are capable of seeing more in people than where they currently are. Through Him we can forgive because we know where they could be.

We are blessed to experience God’s love and to get to be representatives of that love in this world.

Take time to really consider how deeply and intentionally God loves you. Let’s take that love and let it flow through us, not just to us.

Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ. He loved us and offered Himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God.
Ephesians 5:2

Built on Whitestone,

Tauren + Lorna Wells